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Are 1970 Washington quarters worth anything?

The 1970 Washington quarters made in the Philadelphia mint are still very much in circulation today and are worth their face value or more depending on the condition of the coin. The Philadelphia mint produced 136,420,000 instances, and there’s no mint mark on the quarter.

How much is a 1970 “no mint mark” quarter worth?

Coins from this center do not have a mint mark, so you can easily distinguish them from samples from other mints. The value of the 1970 “no mint mark” quarter depends on its condition. Generally, a circulated 1970 “no mint mark” quarter in good to excellent condition can sell anywhere from $0.30 to $1.00.

How much is a 1970 quarter coin worth?

The 1970 quarter coin is quite common and worth a little bit more than face value in circulated conditions. However, only those in pristine condition are seen as valuable. There were lots of mint errors in the 1970 mintage, and these error coins are sometimes worth thousands of dollars. Curious to find out more; keep reading.

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